The female breast: a symbol of femininity and beauty, of balance and proportion.
So, when it comes to choosing a surgeon to perform your breast augmentation, breast reduction, or breast lift, who better than a natural Artist? Dr. Christian Subbio, certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, is first and foremost an Artist.
Look no further than the illustrations on this very website and you’ll see a level of innate artistic talent and ability that is unheard of amongst surgeons. What’s more, Dr. Subbio opted to spend an additional *seventh* year of post-medical school training in an Aesthetic & Reconstructive Breast Surgery Fellowship. An entire year dedicated to mastering the nuance and intricacies of breast enhancement surgery.
He travels the world yearly to seek out the newest and most cutting-edge treatments, having recently returned from the inaugural Breast Masters Symposium in Australia. When it comes to Breast Enhancement Philadelphia plastic surgeon, Dr. Subbio brings to each surgery a level of meticulousness, of artistry, of perfectionism seldom seen in plastic surgery. To him, each breast enhancement surgery is a work of art. Become his next masterpiece.